Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC)
Land Air Water (LAW) is the nation’s oldest and largest student environmental law society. LAW’s first and foremost activity is organizing the PIELC Conference. To pull it off, PIELC Co-Directors, Gurus and LAW Officers plan year-round, and are joined by dozens of student volunteers who help with everything from moderating and recording panels to providing attendees a place to stay.
Raft Trip
Early each fall, LAW welcomes new and returning law students back to school in a uniquely Oregonian way, a raft trip. Because students will soon be up to their necks in rain and reading, we like to travel to areas students will soon believe they do not have the time to visit, such as the Rogue or Deschutes Rivers. The raft trip is also a great way to introduce new students to LAW (and for LAW to do some early recruiting of much needed volunteers).
Environmental Conflict Resolution Stipend
Each year, Land Air Water offers an Environmental Conflict Resolution Stipend to an individual student or group of students interested in attending a conference, training, or other relevant event focused on alternative resolution of environmental disputes. Our goal is to increase student access to knowledge and information at the crossroads of litigation (or alternatives thereto) and environmental issues. Stipend recipient(s) facilitate a post-event training session at the University of Oregon School of Law, which is open to all interested students.
Food for Lane County Youth Farm Days
Land Air Water members spend a day volunteering at a local youth farm in Springfield. This is a great chance for members to contribute to their community and release some end of term stress.
Environmental Speakers and Brownbag Series
Land Air Water (LAW) is the nation’s oldest and largest student environmental law society. LAW’s first and foremost activity is organizing the PIELC Conference. To pull it off, PIELC Co-Directors, Gurus and LAW Officers plan year-round, and are joined by dozens of student volunteers who help with everything from moderating and recording panels to providing attendees a place to stay.
Friends of Trees Tree Planting
Friends of Trees is a local organization that organizes public tree plantings with all members of the community. Land Air Water engages the Law School campus a few times a year to gather volunteers who participate in tree plantings.